By: Evan Sahraeian
I have always told stories about my life whether they were sad or joyful, usually, people find them very interesting somehow too much for one person to have been through all that and still tell those stories with humor and make them funny. the purpose of this website or blog is to share some of those events of my life with anyone who is willing to spare few minutes of their time to read them, one of the highlights that I would be writing about is from many houses that I have lived in to the home I made at the end
Throughout my life so far I have lived in so many places that I could never call any of them my home, and with each of them there have been different types of people and different ways of life, there was even a time when we �as my family � were crossing the border or on our way back from that country we have slept in mountains, we spent nights in public park with blankets for walls, and grass for carpet. Some full of joy and happiness some will make you cry, some will make you wonder, And many more.
Nevertheless, I am not a writer, and English is not my first language, however, I know how to express my feelings, I have many experiences from what life had taught me with pain heartbreak, broke, abuse, freedom, and happiness, I am hoping that from this corner of the world I can help someone else to make a change in their lives, to see we are not alone, show them it is okay not to have all the answers or not knowing where are we going.
Let us take this journey to get here see where would it take us, I don�t know where am I headed as well…